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4 Ways To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient Year Round

Between the financial and environmental benefits, there are quite a few reasons why homeowners often try to shift to more energy-efficient lifestyles. However, wanting to make the change and knowing the right path to take are two different things. To start your endeavor on the right foot, check out these excellent ways to make your home more energy efficient year round.

Install Solar Panels

Solar panels help homes run with more energy efficiency because, instead of pulling power from the grid, they generate it right at home. Plus, homeowners can invest in off-the-grid solar systems that use solar batteries for storing energy, requiring no assistance from the grid whatsoever.

Although installing it is a big project, solar power is more accessible than you might think. For example, even if you’re home’s roof isn’t an ideal place for panels, our team can conveniently install a backyard solar panel pergola.

Use the Appropriate Appliances

Another one of the biggest ways to boost energy efficiency at home is to update your appliances. More specifically, swap out major appliances with their Energy Star–rated counterparts. The Energy Star rating is the designation that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gives to energy-efficient appliances. Household items with such ratings include refrigerators, dishwashers, computers, and furnaces. Browse the Energy Star website to get a glimpse at the extensive range of appliances that can fit your new lifestyle.

Upgrade Insulation

One of the best ways to make your home more energy efficient year round is also one of the easiest: check the insulation. The insulation in your walls and attics help your home retain heat, keeping the indoor environment consistent and cozy. That way, you don’t have to keep adjusting your heating and cooling systems to keep the house warm or cool. If your home lacks sufficient insulation anywhere, this is the perfect time for a replacement.

Use Better Lights

If you still use incandescent bulbs at home, one of your first steps toward boosting energy efficiency should be replacing them all. Homeowners can easily buy new bulbs that are less demanding in terms of energy but more rewarding when it comes to longevity. In other words, they’ll last longer without piling onto your energy bill. For smarter energy usage, go with halogen, CFL, or LED lights.

Now that you have these helpful tips up your sleeve, you can start adjusting your home as soon as you’re ready.

The Go Solar Power Blog

Our blog is your trusted source for all things related to solar energy and sustainable living. Explore a wealth of articles written by experts in the field, covering topics such as the latest advancements in solar technology, tips for maximizing energy efficiency at home, success stories from individuals who’ve made the switch to solar, environmental impact insights, and much more. Whether you’re a solar enthusiast, a homeowner considering solar panel installation, or simply curious about renewable energy, our blog offers a diverse range of informative and engaging content to empower you on your journey towards a cleaner and greener future.

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  • TC5160

Contractor License:

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  • FL Builders CBC1264000
  • Georgia Builders GCCO007273
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