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Solar United Neighbors

Breaking News: 2024 Palm Beach Solar Co-Op Chooses Go Solar Power!

Go Solar Power has been selected to install solar panels for the 2024 Solar Co-op in Palm Beach County.  After a rigorous competitive bidding process, the co-op members decided on Go Solar Power for their Solar and Battery Installations.

What is a Solar Co-Op?

A solar co-op is a group of neighbors who join together to learn about solar and get a good deal on solar. Solar United Neighbors (SUN) sponsors the co-op. SUN is a vendor-neutral nonprofit. It works with solar co-op members to educate them about solar energy and the process of going solar

Solar Power Consultation With Solar Expert

Expert Guidance

Solar United Neighbors provides expert support to co-op members throughout the process.

Tesla Solar Collaborative Process

Collaborative Process

After soliciting bids from solar companies, a selection committee of Solar United Neighbors co-op members carefully considered the proposals and criteria of the member group. Co-op members weighed their options and dove deep into each company, ultimately selecting Go Solar Power.

Solar Advocate Explaining

Solar Advocates

By becoming part of our group, you're joining a larger movement towards energy independence and promoting the clean energy economy. You’ll find a community that supports and inspires each other in this journey towards solar energy.

Solar Panel Sample House

A Green Impact

Embracing solar energy is more than just an individual choice; it contributes to job creation and places energy production back in the hands of the community. It also aids in achieving cleaner air and water for all. By being part of a solar co-op, you magnify these positive impacts significantly.

The deadline for Palm Beach Co-op Registration is September 6, 2024

Residents, small businesses, and non-profit organizations in Palm Beach County interested in exploring solar energy options through the co-op can sign up.

Joining this solar co-op is free and does not require members to purchase panels. Go Solar Power will provide customized proposals for each member, maximizing the group rate benefits. 

2024 Palm Beach Co-op Awarded Solar Installer

Second Time Selected for a Co-op in Two Years

How did Go Solar Power become the choice of these Co-ops two years in a row?  The committee handled all of the groundwork in choosing a trusted installation partner.  The Broward Co-op in 2023 and the Palm Beach Co-op in 2024 evaluated pricing, equipment, and customer satisfaction to determine that GSP was the best choice. 



Get Informed Before You Go Solar

Solar panels consist of photovoltaic (PV) cells, typically made from silicon, that convert sunlight into electricity when exposed to solar rays. These cells are interconnected to form a solar panel, usually measuring around three feet by five feet. The panels are encased in tempered glass to withstand various weather conditions. A single solar panel alone cannot power a home or business, so multiple panels are connected in an arrangement known as an array. This array can be installed on rooftops (rooftop solar) or at ground level (ground-mounted solar).

The electricity generated by solar panels is in direct current (DC), while most household appliances and devices require alternating current (AC). To convert DC to AC, an inverter is necessary. There are two primary types of inverters: central inverters and microinverters. A central inverter handles the conversion for the entire solar system in one location, typically mounted near the electric meter. While cost-effective, central inverters can be affected by variations in panel performance, such as shading, which can reduce overall system output.

Microinverters and DC optimizers, on the other hand, are installed on the back of each individual solar panel. Microinverters convert DC to AC right at the panel, while DC optimizers work with a central inverter to perform the conversion. These options are beneficial in shaded areas, as they allow each panel to operate independently, preventing one shaded panel from reducing the entire array’s output. Additionally, these systems make it easy to expand the solar array by adding more panels in the future.

Once the electricity is produced and converted to AC, it flows through your electric meter and can be used immediately in your home or building. Any surplus electricity is sent back to the local grid.

Solar panels consist of photovoltaic (PV) cells, typically made from silicon, that convert sunlight into electricity when exposed to solar rays. These cells are interconnected to form a solar panel, usually measuring around three feet by five feet. The panels are encased in tempered glass to withstand various weather conditions. A single solar panel alone cannot power a home or business, so multiple panels are connected in an arrangement known as an array. This array can be installed on rooftops (rooftop solar) or at ground level (ground-mounted solar).

The electricity generated by solar panels is in direct current (DC), while most household appliances and devices require alternating current (AC). To convert DC to AC, an inverter is necessary. There are two primary types of inverters: central inverters and microinverters. A central inverter handles the conversion for the entire solar system in one location, typically mounted near the electric meter. While cost-effective, central inverters can be affected by variations in panel performance, such as shading, which can reduce overall system output.

Microinverters and DC optimizers, on the other hand, are installed on the back of each individual solar panel. Microinverters convert DC to AC right at the panel, while DC optimizers work with a central inverter to perform the conversion. These options are beneficial in shaded areas, as they allow each panel to operate independently, preventing one shaded panel from reducing the entire array’s output. Additionally, these systems make it easy to expand the solar array by adding more panels in the future.

Once the electricity is produced and converted to AC, it flows through your electric meter and can be used immediately in your home or building. Any surplus electricity is sent back to the local grid.

The optimal size of your solar system depends on several factors. First, it’s important to understand how solar systems are measured. The power capacity of solar panels is measured in watts (W). A typical solar panel has a power rating of 250-300 W. To find the total capacity of your solar system, add the wattage of all panels together. For example, if you install 10 panels rated at 300 W each, your system’s total capacity would be 3,000 W, or 3 kilowatts (kW), as 1,000 W equals 1 kW. Most solar systems average around 5 kW in size.

Your installer will determine the optimal size of your system by considering the available roof space, its exposure to sunlight, and potential shading. If your roof space is limited, high-efficiency panels, typically rated between 300-350 W, can be used to maximize power output. Installers will also use geospatial data, taking into account roof orientation and local climate, to optimize the system’s design. Your budget will also play a crucial role in determining the size of the solar array, as installers will work to maximize your solar capacity within your financial constraints.

Installers will also assess how much solar-generated electricity can offset your utility needs. While the power capacity of a system is measured in watts or kilowatts, the actual electricity generated is measured in watt-hours or kilowatt-hours (kWh). Your utility company charges you based on the kWh of electricity you consume. You can find your monthly kWh consumption on your electric bill. Each kW of solar capacity installed will generate a specific amount of kWh, depending on your location and climate. Your installer can provide an estimate of the annual kWh production based on these factors.

To estimate the size of the solar system that can be installed on your roof and the amount of electricity it can produce annually, you can use tools like PV Watts. This tool helps you understand how much of your electricity needs can be met by solar energy by comparing the estimated annual kWh production with your total annual kWh consumption, which you can find by summing the consumption from your monthly utility bills.

Four key factors determine whether your roof is suitable for solar panel installation:

1. Orientation: The best roofs for solar panels are those that face south in the northern hemisphere, as they receive the most sunlight throughout the day, maximizing energy production. South-facing panels produce the most electricity, helping you recoup your investment faster. While east- or west-facing roofs can still accommodate solar panels, they typically generate about 75% of the energy that a south-facing installation would. For flat roofs, panels can be positioned to face south regardless of the roof’s actual orientation.

2. Shading: After confirming the optimal orientation, it’s crucial to assess potential shading issues. Solar panels need as much direct sunlight as possible, so the areas of your roof designated for solar should be largely shade-free throughout the day. Objects like trees, chimneys, dormers, and HVAC units can cast shadows that significantly reduce solar output. An installer can use tools like a “solar pathfinder” to evaluate potential shading and its impact on solar energy production.

3. Surface Area: Solar panels are most efficient when installed in large, uninterrupted spaces. Features such as dormer windows, chimneys, vents, skylights, and air conditioning units can limit the available area for panels and potentially disrupt the layout of the solar array.

4. Roof Durability: If your roof is older than 15 years, it may be wise to consider replacing it before installing solar panels. Solar systems are typically designed to last at least 25 years, so installing them on a roof with a similar or longer lifespan ensures that you won’t need to remove the panels prematurely for roof repairs or replacement.

Most residential solar installations in the United States are still connected to the electric grid, known as grid-tied systems, and don’t yet include battery storage. Grid-tied systems are generally more cost-effective and efficient than those paired with batteries. This is because batteries experience a small amount of energy loss during the charging and discharging process, making systems with battery storage slightly less efficient.

Batteries, when used with solar panels, store energy generated during the day for use when the grid is down, ensuring power for critical appliances even when the sun isn’t shining. This capability provides a valuable backup power source, especially during outages. Although power outages are relatively rare in the United States, having a battery system can be a worthwhile investment for maintaining power to essential systems during an emergency.

Currently, the main advantage of battery storage is its ability to provide backup power. However, batteries are still relatively expensive (for pricing details, see our Battery Storage Guide for Homeowners). Despite the cost, many homeowners are investing in battery storage for the security it offers during power outages. As new electricity pricing models emerge, such as time-of-use rates that reward storing energy when it’s cheap and using it when prices are high, the financial benefits of battery storage may increase. Solar United Neighbors is monitoring these developments and will provide updates as they become available.

Beyond the economic factors, there are technical considerations to keep in mind. Batteries require space in your home, may need maintenance, and typically will need replacement at least once during the lifespan of your solar system. Additionally, different battery chemistries can impact the amount of energy stored and available during an outage. For more detailed information, download our free Battery Storage for Homeowners guide.

Solar Contractor License:

  • CVC 56962 (Florida)

Electrical License:

  • Florida Electrical Contractor #EC13007879
  • California CSLB#1069269
  • Colorado Master Electrician #ME.3001358, Electrical Contractor #EC01202758
  • Georgia Electrical Contractor Non-Restricted #EN216145
  • North Carolina Unlimited Electrical Contractor #U32638
  • South Carolina Mechanical Contractor #115302
  • Alabama: Master Electrician #02301, Home, Electrical Contractor #39998
  • Texas Master Electrician #501955, Electrical Contractor #35375
  • Louisiana Electrical Work #72043
  • Arkansas Master Electrician #M-10851
  • Utah Master Electrician #13448821-5502
  • Oklahoma Unlimited Electrical Contractor #00214345
  • Virginia Tradesman #2710072035
  • Idaho Master Electrician #066634


  • RS9908186


  • TC5160

Contractor License:

  • FL Roofing CCC 1332637
  • FL Builders CBC1264000
  • Georgia Builders GCCO007273
  • AL Builder-Unlimited #28129

California Self Generation Incentive Program:

  • GSP Electric Developer Key: 8350NF

Business Licenses:

  • Florida #2018105561
  • Alabama #000579705
  • Arizona #23546197
  • California #201920310049
  • District of Columbia #C00007789253
  • Georgia #19090818
  • Louisiana #44365017Q
  • Maine #20240247FC
  • Maryland #Z24080475
  • Minnesota #1397224200025
  • New Hampshire #934230
  • New Jersey #0450981072
  • New York #7034731
  • North Carolina #1799097
  • Rhode Island #202340722220
  • South Carolina #00977702
  • Texas #32075439334
NABCEP certified pv installation professional