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Considerations When Using Commercial Solar in Cold Weather

As solar continues to be an excellent alternative energy source for homes and businesses, many newcomers are poking their heads in to see if it’s right for them. If you’re thinking about powering your business with a commercial solar system, you need to know that you’re investing in a reliable power supply. Therefore, it is integral to understand details such as weather hazards. Let’s go over a few critical considerations when using commercial solar in cold weather so you can decide with more peace of mind.

Low Temperatures

It’s understandable to assume solar panels won’t function on cold days since this technology utilizes sunlight, which many folks associate with warm days. However, it’s not the temperature that allows solar panels to convert UV rays into energy—it’s the UV rays making contact with your solar panels. Thus, your solar panels will remain a reliable power source when the weather gets chilly outside.

Cloudy Days

The temperature might not be a problem, but cloudy days during the winter are surely an issue, right? Well, not exactly, though this is another understandable point of confusion. After all, if clouds block the sunlight, how will you power your business? It all comes down to how clouds reflect sunlight. When clouds hover lower to the ground, they can impact solar efficiency, but not enough to hinder your business’ access to power.

In short, clouds won’t shut down your business when they pass by. Furthermore, as you’ll learn below, there are ways to guarantee your business can access solar power 24 hours a day.

Solar Batteries

One of the top things to consider when using commercial solar in cold weather is a solar battery. The benefit of these batteries is their extensive storage capacity, especially when the weather takes a turn for the worst. As your solar panels drink up UV rays, your solar battery will store power so you can rely on it when the sun isn’t out.

Whether you want to use solar as your primary power source or as a convenient backup, solar batteries will provide you with access to solar energy even when power outages shut down your local power grid. As commercial solar system installers, our team at Go Solar Power can install Tesla Powerwall batteries that detect outages so you’re not out of the loop or out of power. Even if all the clouds in the state swarm your solar panels, that battery will still be there to keep your business running.

The Go Solar Power Blog

Our blog is your trusted source for all things related to solar energy and sustainable living. Explore a wealth of articles written by experts in the field, covering topics such as the latest advancements in solar technology, tips for maximizing energy efficiency at home, success stories from individuals who’ve made the switch to solar, environmental impact insights, and much more. Whether you’re a solar enthusiast, a homeowner considering solar panel installation, or simply curious about renewable energy, our blog offers a diverse range of informative and engaging content to empower you on your journey towards a cleaner and greener future.

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Solar Contractor License:

  • CVC 56962 (Florida)

Electrical License:

  • Florida Electrical Contractor #EC13007879
  • California CSLB#1069269
  • Colorado Master Electrician #ME.3001358, Electrical Contractor #EC01202758
  • Georgia Electrical Contractor Non-Restricted #EN216145
  • North Carolina Unlimited Electrical Contractor #U32638
  • South Carolina Mechanical Contractor #115302
  • Alabama: Master Electrician #02301, Home, Electrical Contractor #39998
  • Texas Master Electrician #501955, Electrical Contractor #35375
  • Louisiana Electrical Work #72043
  • Arkansas Master Electrician #M-10851
  • Utah Master Electrician #13448821-5502
  • Oklahoma Unlimited Electrical Contractor #00214345
  • Virginia Tradesman #2710072035
  • Idaho Master Electrician #066634


  • RS9908186


  • TC5160

Contractor License:

  • FL Roofing CCC 1332637
  • FL Builders CBC1264000
  • Georgia Builders GCCO007273
  • AL Builder-Unlimited #28129

California Self Generation Incentive Program:

  • GSP Electric Developer Key: 8350NF

Business Licenses:

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  • Alabama #000579705
  • Arizona #23546197
  • California #201920310049
  • District of Columbia #C00007789253
  • Georgia #19090818
  • Louisiana #44365017Q
  • Maine #20240247FC
  • Maryland #Z24080475
  • Minnesota #1397224200025
  • New Hampshire #934230
  • New Jersey #0450981072
  • New York #7034731
  • North Carolina #1799097
  • Rhode Island #202340722220
  • South Carolina #00977702
  • Texas #32075439334
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