Inside, the home has tremendous value, but the exterior could use some attention. If you sorted through more than your fair share of ways to improve home value from the outside of the home, it’s time you considered other avenues, like solar power. Solar power is a great way to build better value over time, and it’s something the next family can claim on their taxes if you choose not to do it for yourself. Find out more on how solar panels affect your home value.
Can Solar Panels Increase Home Value?
It might increase your home value. Unfortunately, it’s not guaranteed for everyone, as it depends on ownership. Some families could fully own the solar system panel, and others may be contracted under a third party. However, it can increase the home value by at least $15,000 for an average-sized solar setup.
So, in theory, this really can be a great investment for families looking to improve their exterior and bring in more value. Speaking of value, did you know you have options on where to place solar panels on your home? Read on to learn more about that.
Best Places To Put a Solar Panel on Your Home
A solar panel can be a solid investment for homeowners, valuing their property an extra $15,000. Right before jumping into the best places to put a solar panel on your home, learn about the solar panel options available to you.
Solar Panel Options
You have two systems to pick from: grid and off-grid. The off-grid system is great for homes in remote areas. It would make sense to buy this option because it does allow homeowners to claim full ownership over the generated power. Using an off-grid system is cheaper than power lines, which could add up to $15,000 to $50,000 for every mile to your home.
The grid system is hooked up with cables, normally channeled through a third party. The energy produced here is renewable, but anything you don’t use is taken back through the grid for storage as backup power or comes back as a credit.
One of the best places to have solar panels is the roof. The roof collects a lot of sun your home could use. Contact a roof specializing in solar roofs to help inspect and replace the traditional cladding with panels. These panels collect solar energy from the sun, so it’s clean and more friendly to your electric bills.
What? A solar panel for a pergola? Say it ain’t so! Solar panels have come such a long way from being staked panels in the ground and roof panels. Pergolas, awnings, and carports can receive the same energy as every other part of your home. Pergola solar panels are beautiful and built to keep the entertainment going through the evening.
Here’s how solar panels affect your home value: it starts with finding the right setup and installing it in the right areas. Take Go Solar Power solar panel professionals around your home to find the best spots for your solar system setup. We’re glad to see you taking the next step to going solar and enhancing your home value.