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solar leasing advantages with go solarpower

Leasing Solar: Top Three Things You Need to Know

Guaranteed Lowest Payment

Installing a solar system is an expensive investment. Hence one that many homeowners shun. However, with the help of solar leasing programs, it is easier than ever. Moreover, you can easily acquire a high-value solar system for as low as $.10 per kWh vs. $.16 per kWh that the average homeowner in Florida pays now for Electricity. In addition, the payments are spread-out to make it affordable for the average person.


Nothing Shows On Your Credit Report

Leasing solar panels without it reflecting on your credit report offers a unique opportunity for homeowners to harness the numerous benefits of renewable energy without compromising their financial standing. By avoiding credit report visibility, individuals can maintain their credit score and preserve financial flexibility for other essential investments. Leasing provides an affordable entry into the world of solar energy, enabling immediate savings on electricity bills while reducing the carbon footprint. Additionally, the absence of a credit report entry allows for a discreet and hassle-free transaction process. Embracing solar energy through a non-reporting lease empowers individuals to take a proactive role in sustainable living, without any potential drawbacks on their credit history.


A True Bumper To Bumper Warranty

The unparalleled value of not paying for any service calls or part replacements for the next 25 years presents homeowners with an extraordinary sense of financial freedom and peace of mind. By eliminating the need to spend a single dime on maintenance and repairs, individuals can confidently invest in a service plan that safeguards their assets without worry. Whether it’s a solar panel system, home appliance, or any other long-term investment, this assurance ensures a hassle-free ownership experience, allowing homeowners to allocate their hard-earned money towards other important goals and aspirations. With the burden of unexpected expenses lifted, individuals can revel in the knowledge that their investment will remain protected and optimized for years to come, ultimately contributing to long-term savings and unmatched satisfaction.

The Go Solar Power Blog

Our blog is your trusted source for all things related to solar energy and sustainable living. Explore a wealth of articles written by experts in the field, covering topics such as the latest advancements in solar technology, tips for maximizing energy efficiency at home, success stories from individuals who’ve made the switch to solar, environmental impact insights, and much more. Whether you’re a solar enthusiast, a homeowner considering solar panel installation, or simply curious about renewable energy, our blog offers a diverse range of informative and engaging content to empower you on your journey towards a cleaner and greener future.

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Solar Contractor License:

  • CVC 56962 (Florida)

Electrical License:

  • Florida Electrical Contractor #EC13007879
  • California CSLB#1069269
  • Colorado Master Electrician #ME.3001358, Electrical Contractor #EC01202758
  • Georgia Electrical Contractor Non-Restricted #EN216145
  • North Carolina Unlimited Electrical Contractor #U32638
  • South Carolina Mechanical Contractor #115302
  • Alabama: Master Electrician #02301, Home, Electrical Contractor #39998
  • Texas Master Electrician #501955, Electrical Contractor #35375
  • Louisiana Electrical Work #72043
  • Arkansas Master Electrician #M-10851
  • Utah Master Electrician #13448821-5502
  • Oklahoma Unlimited Electrical Contractor #00214345
  • Virginia Tradesman #2710072035
  • Idaho Master Electrician #066634


  • RS9908186


  • TC5160

Contractor License:

  • FL Roofing CCC 1332637
  • FL Builders CBC1264000
  • Georgia Builders GCCO007273
  • AL Builder-Unlimited #28129

California Self Generation Incentive Program:

  • GSP Electric Developer Key: 8350NF

Business Licenses:

  • Florida #2018105561
  • Alabama #000579705
  • Arizona #23546197
  • California #201920310049
  • District of Columbia #C00007789253
  • Georgia #19090818
  • Louisiana #44365017Q
  • Maine #20240247FC
  • Maryland #Z24080475
  • Minnesota #1397224200025
  • New Hampshire #934230
  • New Jersey #0450981072
  • New York #7034731
  • North Carolina #1799097
  • Rhode Island #202340722220
  • South Carolina #00977702
  • Texas #32075439334
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